How To Get More Testosterone Naturally & Increase Sex Drive

Erectile problems are very common today, and many people ask me about natural testosterone boosters. In this article, I go through the basics of testosterone levels, what to avoid and what to get more. If you do not know these things, you will almost certainly suffer sexual health problems in the future. (Most people do not know)

Testosterone basics

A healthy man has about 10-20 times more testosterone than women, and when it starts to fall, man will start to change to a feminine man. This is not a good thing, because the man becomes irritable, frustrated, and ultimately sexual appetite will fall apart completely.

Testosterone does not only affect performance in the bedroom but nearly everything in a man’s life. The big T affects male self-confidence, happiness, muscle size, and potential diseases.

Studies show that low levels of testosterone may increase the risk of developing depression, heart disease,1Corona G, Monami M, Boddi V, Cameron-Smith M, Fisher AD, de Vita G, Melani C, Balzi D, Sforza A, Forti G, Mannucci E, Maggi M. Low testosterone is associated with an increased risk of MACE lethality in subjects with erectile dysfunction. J Sex Med. 2010 Apr;7(4 Pt 1):1557-64. doi: 10.1111/j.1743-6109.2009.01690.x. Epub 2010 Jan 25. PMID: 20102478. diabetes2Grossmann M. Low testosterone in men with type 2 diabetes: significance and treatment. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2011 Aug;96(8):2341-53. doi: 10.1210/jc.2011-0118. Epub 2011 Jun 6. PMID: 21646372., and Alzheimer’s disease.3Lv W, Du N, Liu Y, Fan X, Wang Y, Jia X, Hou X, Wang B. Low Testosterone Level and Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease in the Elderly Men: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Mol Neurobiol. 2016 May;53(4):2679-84. doi: 10.1007/s12035-015-9315-y. Epub 2015 Jul 8. PMID: 26154489. Low testosterone can also cause irritability, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, memory problems, and enlarged prostate, as well as many other problems.

Low testosterone level symptoms:

  • Decreased sex drive
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Lack of morning erections
  • Depression
  • Low self-esteem
  • Memory or concentration problems
  • Shrinkage of the testicles
  • Gynecomastia aka manboobs
  • Inability to gain muscle mass
  • Gaining weight or you’re “skinny fat”
  • Fatigue and lack of motivation
  • Sleeping problems

Easy way to know if you have low testosterone levels?

The lack of morning erections. If you have regular morning erections, things should be fine. But if they are missing, then you will need to study this article thoroughly.

After thirty years of age, a man’s testosterone levels start to decrease, which leads to the problems mentioned above. Men whose testosterone level is low will also experience weight gain, breast growth and problems with urination.

Things that will lower testosterone

In order to get something, we have to sacrifice something. Overview of testosterone production guidelines. What to avoid and what to add more? Next, we will list guidelines for optimal testosterone production.

Obesity and testosterone

belly fat testosterone
belly fat testosterone

Did you think that the fat is only fat and that it does not have any effect on your body, that it would only be a small “visual handicap”.

You are sadly mistaken. According to research, especially visceral fat is an effective “estrogen factory” which pumps more estrogen in your body and lowers testosterone.4Schneider G, Kirschner MA, Berkowitz R, Ertel NH. Increased estrogen production in obese men. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1979 Apr;48(4):633-8. doi: 10.1210/jcem-48-4-633. PMID: 429508.

Obesity lowers testosterone levels. For example, a 2007 study of 1,667 men ages 40 and above found that each one-point increase in BMI was associated with a 2% decrease in testosterone. In addition, a 2008 study of 1,862 men ages 30 and above found that waist circumference was an even stronger predictor of low testosterone levels than BMI. A four-inch increase in waist size increased a man’s odds of having a low testosterone level by 75%; for comparison, 10 years of aging increased the odds by only 36%. – Obesity: Unhealthy and unmanly5article: Obesity: Unhealthy and unmanly – Harvard Health Publishing

Do I even need to mention the other ill health effects of belly fat? Probably not. If you’re looking to have higher testosterone levels and better erectile function, then the first and most important thing would be to get rid of the “estrogen factory”, which is around your waist.

Excessive sugar consumption

sugar testosterone
sugar testosterone

Sodas and other high fructose corn syrup and sugar products lower testosterone levels effectively. Studies have shown that sugar intake from beverages is associated with lower serum testosterone in men. If you drink sugary beverages throughout the day, you have constantly low testosterone.6Chen L, Xie YM, Pei JH, Kuang J, Chen HM, Chen Z, Li ZW, Fu XY, Wang L, Lai SQ, Zhang ST, Chen ZJ, Lin JX. Sugar-sweetened beverage intake and serum testosterone levels in adult males 20-39 years old in the United States. Reprod Biol Endocrinol. 2018 Jun 23;16(1):61. doi: 10.1186/s12958-018-0378-2. PMID: 29935533; PMCID: PMC6015465.

Continuous daily intake of sugary drinks does not only make you fat (which also destroys male hormones) and cause diabetes, but no doubt will also decrease your testosterone levels.

Few things are as harmful to your erection and health than sugar. If you want to increase testosterone or sex drive, then at least avoid unnecessary sugars such as high fructose corn syrup, as well as white sugar, which is of no benefit to health.

To the same (sugar) category goes many juices, such as orange juice and apple juice. Fortunately, this is already common knowledge, and orange juices reputation as a health food has changed to junk food. After all, it is pure fructose (I do not speak about sweetened juices, but also pure whole juices) that are almost the same thing as sodas.

If you gulp these juices 33oz or liter a day, it does not do good for your erections or testosterone. Moderation, perhaps glass a day, however, is probably ok.

Stress kills erections

stress testosterone
stress testosterone

Research shows that stress does not help with testosterone levels and libido. Cortisol, the stress hormone produced by the adrenal glands, prevents the benefits of testosterone and kills libido, competitive desire, and male aggression, as well as drive for life.7Brownlee KK, Moore AW, Hackney AC. Relationship between circulating cortisol and testosterone: influence of physical exercise. J Sports Sci Med. 2005 Mar 1;4(1):76-83. PMID: 24431964; PMCID: PMC3880087.

Eliminate stress. From nutritional supplements, I would check out at least at rhodiola rosea, reishi mushroom, and L-theanine seems to help many. Vitamin C, Ashwagandha and Tulsi are also renowned in keeping the stress hormone in check.

Also, simple daily twenty minutes of meditation can help according to studies.8Creswell JD, Pacilio LE, Lindsay EK, Brown KW. Brief mindfulness meditation training alters psychological and neuroendocrine responses to social evaluative stress. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2014 Jun;44:1-12. doi: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2014.02.007. Epub 2014 Feb 23. PMID: 24767614.

Plastic products can kill masculinity

plastic bpa testosterone
Plastic bpa testosterone

You get xenoestrogen from plastics, which can mimic the activity of the hormone estrogen.9Yang CZ, Yaniger SI, Jordan VC, Klein DJ, Bittner GD. Most plastic products release estrogenic chemicals: a potential health problem that can be solved. Environ Health Perspect. 2011 Jul;119(7):989-96. doi: 10.1289/ehp.1003220. Epub 2011 Mar 2. PMID: 21367689; PMCID: PMC3222987. So if you are looking for lost manhood, or ponder where your libido is lost, please review the plastic you use or touch on a daily basis.

Do you drink from plastic bottles? Do you eat from plastic boxes? The first step is to eliminate all plastic products that you can.

Plastic bottles can be replaced by glass bottles, and you don’t need to eat food from plastic anymore today. Mixer bottles or shakers you can replace with BPA-free shaker bottle. In the end, glass is the best and the only material that does not have any concern.

Do you drink a lot of beer?

beer testosterone
Beer testosterone

Could drinking beer affect your testosterone levels? Modern beer contains hops, which is the most estrogenic plant on our planet (worse than soy!). Let’s take a look…

In moderation beer, and its phytoestrogen hardly makes much trouble for masculinity. You don’t necessarily have to forget the occasional beer!

The studies provide confirmation to this (thankfully): moderate beer drinking is not a concern, even though it contains phytoestrogens.

Sure enough, this is not any pseudoscience, but how hops herbs estrogen reaches the beer is actually examined, and studies confirm that beer contains phyto-estrogens.10Tekel’ J, De Keukeleire D, Rong H, Daeseleire E, Van Peteghem C. Determination of the hop-derived phytoestrogen, 8-prenylnaringenin, in beer by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. J Agric Food Chem. 1999 Dec;47(12):5059-63. doi: 10.1021/jf990645m. PMID: 10606572.

Quantities are certainly small, and it does not necessarily make any great difference. But if you struggle with testosterone or erection problems, it makes no sense to drink three beers per evening, and so to speak: assemble odds against yourself.

Chlorine exposure

chlorine testosterone
chlorine testosterone

This is hardly a new thing to anyone, but it needs to be mentioned anyway. Chlorine exposure is not healthy, and the depressive effect on testosterone has been shown in studies.

The study from Belgium showed that boys who had spent a lot of time with chlorine-treated swimming pools had also significantly lower testosterone levels.

This hardly comes as a surprise to anyone: if you swim or bathe in substance that is dangerous for reproduction, those substances are absorbed very easily on the testicles, where the male hormones are produced.

Swimming in indoor chlorinated pools during childhood is strongly associated with lower levels of serum inhibin B and total testosterone. The absorption of reprotoxic chlorination by-products across the highly permeable scrotum might explain these associations.11Nickmilder M, Bernard A. Associations between testicular hormones at adolescence and attendance at chlorinated swimming pools during childhood. Int J Androl. 2011 Oct;34(5 Pt 2):e446-58. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2605.2011.01174.x. Epub 2011 Jun 2. PMID: 21631527; PMCID: PMC3229674.

The same thing also in adults, when you grow up the skin of testicles doesn’t really get thicker with age. With this information and after learning it I have not visited in swimming pools, and I doubt I’ll go in the future.

I only swim in chlorine free “sea salt treated” swimming pools. In particular, the children are not recommended to swim in chlorine pools. A couple of times a year spa vacation is obviously not the end of the world, but a weekly “chlorine treatment” can cause problems.

In the water, purification chlorine is added to our water supply, and naturally part of it comes to our drinking and shower water. It is mandatory for better water quality and to kill various bacteria, but at the same time, it’s of course also harmful.

Because of this, getting Brita water filter jug ( and chlorine shower filter are great investment for men who want to optimize their testosterone levels and keep their erections strong.

For more information about shower filter: see my experience with chlorine shower filter.

Licorice root can cut your testosterone levels half

licourice root testosterone
licorice root testosterone

Hippies and natural health circles often advocate licorice root and belief that it is the best thing ever.

Yes, if consumed in small amounts licorice root can be healthy, but problems will come if you get too much of it.

Licorice root contains glycyrrhizic acid, which is proven to raise cortisol levels to lower testosterone levels in men.

If you are a man who wants to maximize testosterone levels, then you should steer away from glycyrrhizic acid by all means. Studies have found that 5-7 grams of licorice extract, or containing candies (500mg glycyrrhizic acid) can cut males testosterone levels half in just 4 days.12Armanini D, Bonanni G, Mattarello MJ, Fiore C, Sartorato P, Palermo M. Licorice consumption and serum testosterone in healthy man. Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes. 2003 Sep;111(6):341-3. doi: 10.1055/s-2003-42724. PMID: 14520600.

Armanini D, Bonanni G, Palermo M. Reduction of serum testosterone in men by licorice. N Engl J Med. 1999 Oct 7;341(15):1158. doi: 10.1056/NEJM199910073411515. PMID: 10515764.

Testosterone levels begin to sink, once you get over 150mg of glycyrrhizic acid on a daily basis. In this study, 100 grams of licorice candy (150mg glycyrrhizic acid) daily for 4 weeks did not affect testosterone levels.13Sigurjonsdottir HA, Axelson M, Johannsson G, Manhem K, Nystrom E, Wallerstedt S. Liquorice in moderate doses does not affect sex steroid hormones of biological importance although the effect differs between the genders. Horm Res. 2006;65(2):106-10. doi: 10.1159/000091302. Epub 2006 Feb 3. PMID: 16462145. Natural licorice roots has only 2-25% glycyrrhizic acid.14Omar HR, Komarova I, El-Ghonemi M, Fathy A, Rashad R, Abdelmalak HD, Yerramadha MR, Ali Y, Helal E, Camporesi EM. Licorice abuse: time to send a warning message. Ther Adv Endocrinol Metab. 2012 Aug;3(4):125-38. doi: 10.1177/2042018812454322. PMID: 23185686; PMCID: PMC3498851.

So you want to avoid excessive licorice tea or licorice extracts and candies which include it, unless you want to lower your testosterone levels.

Internet pornography causes erection problems with a real woman

porn testosterone
porn testosterone

Yes, it might sound strange, but today’s porn and its continuous viewing can cause a completely healthy young (even 20-year-old) men total impotence.

It could be that the majority of erectile problems in men today is caused by Internet porn.

This was also confirmed in a new 2020 questionnaire study by the European Association of Urology. The study found that the more porn you watch the more your erection function decline.

“We found that there was a highly significant relationship between time spent watching porn and increasing difficulty with erectile function with a partner, as indicated by the erectile function and sexual health scores.” – More porn, worse erectile function (European Association of Urology)

Internet porn effects to erection is also confirmed in large scientific reviews:

“Our review of the literature finds a number of studies that have correlated pornography use with arousal, attraction, and sexual performance problems, including difficulty orgasming, diminished libido or erectile function.15Park BY, Wilson G, Berger J, Christman M, Reina B, Bishop F, Klam WP, Doan AP. Is Internet Pornography Causing Sexual Dysfunctions? A Review with Clinical Reports. Behav Sci (Basel). 2016 Aug 5;6(3):17. doi: 10.3390/bs6030017. Erratum in: Behav Sci (Basel). 2018 Jun 01;8(6): PMID: 27527226; PMCID: PMC5039517.

This is very scary and eye-catching. Really? Porn can be so harmful? It is at least clear that the high consumption of Internet pornography leads to very unhealthy sexuality. And erectile problems are only a matter of time.

But the problem can be solved when you eliminate all porn watching, you can expect a normal erectile function to return in a couple of weeks or a month.

However, you need to eliminate all sources of pornography; photos, videos, Internet PornoTubes away from favorites and browser history so you may not end up back there, delete any videos on your computer, etc..

If you have completely numbed yourself with pornography, and in the worst case, it is over decade long habit, you have made yourself numb, insensitive… You get excited only from the strangest tentacle or vomit porn, then you should expect that recovery will take longer.

Pornography-induced erection problem usually improves in a month, if you eliminate all the porn out of your life. But if you’ve used porn since the age of 15 (+ 10 years), numbed yourself with pornography, and real women give you no stimulation (you don’t get hard with a real woman), then the repair can take up to 6-12 months.

Eight months after stopping all exposure to pornography the patient reported experiencing successful orgasm and ejaculation, and succeeded in enjoying good sexual relations.”16Park BY, Wilson G, Berger J, Christman M, Reina B, Bishop F, Klam WP, Doan AP. Is Internet Pornography Causing Sexual Dysfunctions? A Review with Clinical Reports. Behav Sci (Basel). 2016 Aug 5;6(3):17. doi: 10.3390/bs6030017. Erratum in: Behav Sci (Basel). 2018 Jun 01;8(6): PMID: 27527226; PMCID: PMC5039517.

Try this (elimination of porn), and come back here to give thanks to problem-solving – because of my own and a number of others experience, I am so confident that this works.

See long lasting erection guide for more tips and trick to recondition your penis faster.

Where to start if you are a victim of over-consumption of pornography:

Music and testosterone

music testosterone levels
Music and testosterone levels

Listening to a music may have a downward effect on testosterone levels. The most sensational Japanese study showed that listening 30 minutes of music considerably reduced testosterone levels in men.17Fukui H. Music and testosterone. A new hypothesis for the origin and function of music. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2001 Jun;930:448-51. PMID: 11458865.

Listening your favorite music might cut your testosterone in half, where classical music and monks chants (Gregorio) did the least harm. The interesting thing was that listening to music raised women’s testosterone levels. In particular women, favorite music and Jazz seemed to effectively raise testosterone levels.

On the other hand, it was not told what was these men’s favorite music… in Japan where the most popular singers look like little girls whether they are men of women. Could it be that listening to this kinda piece of music could hinder your testosterone in half? Also, this study had a quite small sample size.

There is also another study that found exactly same results. Listening music decreased testosterone levels in men, but increased testosterone levels in women.18Fukui H, Yamashita M. The effects of music and visual stress on testosterone and cortisol in men and women. Neuro Endocrinol Lett. 2003 Jun-Aug;24(3-4):173-80. PMID: 14523353.

On the other hand, there are also studies where music listening has decreased cortisol levels (which is testosterone killer), so in certain circumstances listening to music may be beneficial to testosterone.

For example, listening to music can help reduce cortisol and thus improve your testosterone levels and erection, if you’re stressed out.19Wang SM, Kulkarni L, Dolev J, Kain ZN. Music and preoperative anxiety: a randomized, controlled study. Anesth Analg. 2002 Jun;94(6):1489-94, table of contents. doi: 10.1097/00000539-200206000-00021. PMID: 12032013.

Khalfa S, Bella SD, Roy M, Peretz I, Lupien SJ. Effects of relaxing music on salivary cortisol level after psychological stress. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2003 Nov;999:374-6. doi: 10.1196/annals.1284.045. PMID: 14681158.

What if you listen to manly heavy music? can it can raise your testosterone levels? Well, there is certain studies that conclude: music might help pump up your confidence, and thus might increase training efficiency.20Hsu, D. Y., Huang, L., Nordgren, L. F., Rucker, D. D., & Galinsky, A. D. (2015). The Music of Power: Perceptual and Behavioral Consequences of Powerful Music. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 6(1), 75–83. Otherwise, there is no much studies about heavy music and how it affects men testosterone levels.

You don’t need to start fearing music now, but you should keep in mind that excessive music listening may have harmful consequences.

If you are listening to music more than an hour a day, you are probably harming yourself. According to research, an average person uses 13 years of his life listening to music. Could this time be used for something better? Maybe play or make music yourself, which actually benefits your brain.

Anyway, daily passive listening of music is quite strange and unnatural for humans. In the old times listening to music always included some sort of dancing and playing musical instruments (making music). The current passive mainstream music listening benefits mostly record companies, and it can be compared to drug addiction.

If you are interested in this subject, I recommend a book called: This Is Your Brain on Music: The Science of a Human Obsession (From Amazon)

Additional things that can harm testosterone levels but not scientifically proven.

Mycotoxins (from food)
The food you eat may come with mycotoxins that can kill your testosterone and strong erections more effectively than almost any other thing. In particular, avoid peanuts and peanut butter, which can include mold toxin called aflatoxin.21Sithole TR, Ma YX, Qin Z, Wang XD, Liu HM. Peanut Butter Food Safety Concerns-Prevalence, Mitigation and Control of Salmonella spp., and Aflatoxins in Peanut Butter. Foods. 2022 Jun 24;11(13):1874. doi: 10.3390/foods11131874. PMID: 35804689

Whether you eat peanut butter as organic or not, it always contains small amounts of this mycotoxin. Sure they say that its a “safe level”, but are you interested in safety if as a result, you will not get an erection anymore? Even a small amount of mold toxin may bother some men’s erectile performance, the hidden peanut allergy is also very common.

As good as peanut butter is… If you care about your health (and your erection), you will never be able to put the peanuts into your body. For some, it does not make any problems, but my experience is very negative. In any case, one thing is a fact, peanut butter cannot be called as a health food.

Peppermint Mentha spicata
Did you know that women who have hair overgrowth on the head region drink peppermint tea as an ailment?

Peppermint has been shown to reduce significantly the free testosterone in women with hirsutism.22Akdoğan M, Tamer MN, Cüre E, Cüre MC, Köroğlu BK, Delibaş N. Effect of spearmint (Mentha spicata Labiatae) teas on androgen levels in women with hirsutism. Phytother Res. 2007 May;21(5):444-7. doi: 10.1002/ptr.2074. PMID: 17310494.

Grant P. Spearmint herbal tea has significant anti-androgen effects in polycystic ovarian syndrome. A randomized controlled trial. Phytother Res. 2010 Feb;24(2):186-8. doi: 10.1002/ptr.2900. PMID: 19585478.

Studies on the men haven’t yet been made, but if you are suffering from erectile problems or want to raise your own testosterone, you may not want to pile up odds against yourself.

Peppermint and spearmint should be kept on the ‘avoid’ list for every man who wants to keep their testosterone high. Random candies, chewing gum, lip balms, and toothpaste won’t of course completely destroy your testosterone levels, but still its good to be aware of this.

Increasing Testosterone levels naturally

Next, we will examine strategies that are claimed to increase testosterone levels naturally.

Add more fat your diet?

cholesterol fat testosterone
cholesterol fat testosterone

The body forms testosterone from cholesterol, and without it, you cannot have optimal testosterone levels. Most people’s bodies are able to form the necessary cholesterol in the liver.

However, people that are suffering from erection dysfunction or low testosterone levels may want to try amp up the cholesterol-containing food intake, especially in the evening.

Testosterone is secreted during the night at 4-6 in the morning.

Tim Ferriss (in his book 4-HOUR BODY Amazon) recommends eating 800 milligrams of cholesterol 3 hours before you go to sleep.

That’s 4 whole eggs before you go to bed. 4 whole egg will provide about 800 milligrams of cholesterol.

If you have an erection or a low testosterone level problems, cholesterol loading is worth a try. In studies, the high-fat diet has increased the testosterone for about 12-15%.23Dorgan JF, Judd JT, Longcope C, Brown C, Schatzkin A, Clevidence BA, Campbell WS, Nair PP, Franz C, Kahle L, Taylor PR. Effects of dietary fat and fiber on plasma and urine androgens and estrogens in men: a controlled feeding study. Am J Clin Nutr. 1996 Dec;64(6):850-5. doi: 10.1093/ajcn/64.6.850. PMID: 8942407.

Wang C, Catlin DH, Starcevic B, Heber D, Ambler C, Berman N, Lucas G, Leung A, Schramm K, Lee PW, Hull L, Swerdloff RS. Low-fat high-fiber diet decreased serum and urine androgens in men. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2005 Jun;90(6):3550-9. doi: 10.1210/jc.2004-1530. Epub 2005 Mar 1. PMID: 15741266.

Healthy testosterone supporting fats: coconut oil, olive oil, butter, avocados, high-quality meat, whole eggs, nuts such as almonds and Brazil nuts.

Go to a gym and lift heavy things (Deadlift and squat)

death lift testosterone
deadlift testosterone

The best ways to increase testosterone in the gym is deadlift and squat. Continuous deadlift and squat lead to dramatic improvements in body composition and posture.

The deadlift works out almost the entire body with one movement, and it is also the best movement for burning fat.

Multiple studies have shown the positive effects of heavy gym workout on hormone level.24Kraemer WJ, Gordon SE, Fleck SJ, Marchitelli LJ, Mello R, Dziados JE, Friedl K, Harman E, Maresh C, Fry AC. Endogenous anabolic hormonal and growth factor responses to heavy resistance exercise in males and females. Int J Sports Med. 1991 Apr;12(2):228-35. doi: 10.1055/s-2007-1024673. PMID: 1860749.

Kraemer WJ, Ratamess NA. Hormonal responses and adaptations to resistance exercise and training. Sports Med. 2005;35(4):339-61. doi: 10.2165/00007256-200535040-00004. PMID: 15831061.

Beaven CM, Gill ND, Cook CJ. Salivary testosterone and cortisol responses in professional rugby players after four resistance exercise protocols. J Strength Cond Res. 2008 Mar;22(2):426-32. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e3181635843. PMID: 18550957.

On the other hand, as a male, you should also do a few cardio type workouts, as it will support sexual health, erection formation.

Also, modern 2019 meta/analysis has found that heavy lifting might not be the best thing to raise testosterone in older men.

Aerobic and interval training might be better for older men:

The practical implication of this article is that resistance exercise may not be a viable solution to increase basal testosterone in the aging male, but aerobic and interval training may be.25Hayes LD, Elliott BT. Short-Term Exercise Training Inconsistently Influences Basal Testosterone in Older Men: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Front Physiol. 2019 Jan 14;9:1878. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2018.01878. PMID: 30692929; PMCID: PMC6339914.

Sport and exercise is a great way to increase nitric oxide production. Nitric oxide dilates the blood vessels, causing the blood to flow more smoothly, and thus achieving easier erection formation.

If you plan to spend the evening to a hot sex session, then earlier in the day you should do a half-hour walk (which also exposes you for fresh air and at the same time you can do deep breathing, which will further help with erections).

More important things for testosterone

Drink enough water, ie at least 2 liters (67oz) a day. Note the word water, no diet sodas or juices. If the regular water doesn’t taste so good, then… Get a water filter from Amazon that removes chlorine, calcium flavors, etc.. Add some real salt to the water, such as Himalayan salt or unprocessed sea salt. You can also add lemon juice.

This is one of the main basics. If you’re already wondering about getting some testosterone booster supplement, and you do not drink 2-3 liters of water every day… What the hell are you doing?

Such an approach is completely wrong. First, handle the basics, then perhaps you can take things further by a variety of additional nutrients.

Drink water always from glass, get a glass bottle to the work – refer to the above point about plastic products.

Sleep 8-9 hours a night in total darkness. Get good blackout curtains (Available on Do you want a better quality of sleep? Put the phone to flight mode and shut Wi-Fi stations off for the night, they might interfere with your sleep. During sleep you produce most of the testosterone, that’s why high-quality sleep cannot be over-emphasized.

If you currently sleep 4-6 hours a night, you can double your testosterone according to studies by starting to sleep 8-9 hours per night on a regular basis.[mfn]Penev PD. Association between sleep and morning testosterone levels in older men. Sleep. 2007 Apr;30(4):427-32. doi: 10.1093/sleep/30.4.427. PMID: 17520786.

Goh VH, Tong TY. Sleep, sex steroid hormones, sexual activities, and aging in Asian men. J Androl. 2010 Mar-Apr;31(2):131-7. doi: 10.2164/jandrol.109.007856. Epub 2009 Aug 14. PMID: 19684340.[/mfn] This should motivate you to close the phone, computer, and TV a couple of hours earlier.

Other interesting ways to raise testosterone levels:

Doing Power-poses can help in raising testosterone (scientifically proven).26Smith KM, Apicella CL. Winners, losers, and posers: The effect of power poses on testosterone and risk-taking following competition. Horm Behav. 2017 Jun;92:172-181. doi: 10.1016/j.yhbeh.2016.11.003. Epub 2016 Nov 10. PMID: 27840104.

Minvaleev RS, Nozdrachev AD, Kir’ianova VV, Ivanov AI. Postural’nue vliianiia na uroven’ gormonov u zdorovykh liudeĭ. Soobshchenie I. Poza “kobry” i steroidnye gormony [Postural effects on the hormone level in healthy subjects. Communication I. The cobra posture and steroid hormones]. Fiziol Cheloveka. 2004 Jul-Aug;30(4):88-92. Russian. PMID: 15495530.

Carney DR, Cuddy AJ, Yap AJ. Power posing: brief nonverbal displays affect neuroendocrine levels and risk tolerance. Psychol Sci. 2010 Oct;21(10):1363-8. doi: 10.1177/0956797610383437. Epub 2010 Sep 20. PMID: 20855902.
Start doing “power poses” where you spread your hands as wide as possible and pose strongly taking up as much space as possible.

Watching attractive women raises men’s testosterone, says the study. So, start watching – it is healthy male behavior.27Escasa MJ, Casey JF, Gray PB. Salivary testosterone levels in men at a U.S. sex club. Arch Sex Behav. 2011 Oct;40(5):921-6. doi: 10.1007/s10508-010-9711-3. Epub 2010 Dec 17. PMID: 21165688.

Abstinence from ejaculation for 7 days of increased testosterone in men for a staggering 145%, but soon after it returned again to the basic level.28Jiang M, Xin J, Zou Q, Shen JW. A research on the relationship between ejaculation and serum testosterone level in men. J Zhejiang Univ Sci. 2003 Mar-Apr;4(2):236-40. doi: 10.1631/jzus.2003.0236. Retraction in: J. Zhejiang Univ. Sci. A. 2021. PMID: 12659241. The week-long abstinence can be a great idea for raising testosterone?

Tree-splitting or wood cutting with axe is inherently masculine – and raises testosterone levels.29Trumble BC, Cummings DK, O’Connor KA, Holman DJ, Smith EA, Kaplan HS, Gurven MD. Age-independent increases in male salivary testosterone during horticultural activity among Tsimane forager-farmers. Evol Hum Behav. 2013 Sep 1;34(5):10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2013.06.002. doi: 10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2013.06.002. PMID: 24187482.

Having sex increases testosterone levels significantly, according to research.30Escasa MJ, Casey JF, Gray PB. Salivary testosterone levels in men at a U.S. sex club. Arch Sex Behav. 2011 Oct;40(5):921-6. doi: 10.1007/s10508-010-9711-3. Epub 2010 Dec 17. PMID: 21165688. This is probably the best way to increase testosterone, right?

What to buy from a grocery store

Foods that support testosterone and erections: Olive oil, broccoli, cauliflower, eggs, bacon, avocados, sweet potatoes, spinach, sauerkraut, ginger, onion and garlic, wild meat, wild fish (the last two you generally won’t find from the basic supermarkets, unfortunately).

If you can’t find quality wild fish, then sardines can be a good choice. Consider also apple cider vinegar (authentic – there has to be “with mother” in the bottle). I use this: Apple Cider vinegar from iHerb.

Possible food aphrodisiac: Hot spices (chilies, etc.), as dark chocolate as possible, avocados, watermelon, garlic, onion (especially raw), pumpkin seeds, red wine, pomegranate juice.

See also this easy simple testosterone booster as well as an aphrodisiac: Cloves: Testosterone Booster, Aphrodisiac, Antioxidant King & Improves Tooth Health

In most foods quality means a lot. Especially with meats quality is the most important thing. Markets cheapest meat that comes soy fed cattle/pig won’t do good for your testosterone.

Meat should be wild or at least organic, in addition to that you can invest to organic depending on your budget, but, for example, broccoli and avocados can always be bought with confidence as conventional.

What if your erection problem is mental?

The problem is inside your own head, then all of the dietary supplements or diet changes will make you absolutely nothing. Universally the majority of men’s erectile problems are due to man’s own mental problem – and it can cause a lot of frustration.

Tips for the so-called mental side of erection problems?

Higher up was already the best tip for the mental side of the erection problems – the elimination of pornography. But what other things should you consider doing?

Practice meditation
Meditate for twenty minutes every day. Meditation takes you away from inside your head to the present moment, you are more in the moment with your partner, focusing on your partner and feel the sensations of your body (and you do not think about all the time that do I get an erection while watching down and you see the loose noodle – meditation will help you get out of your head).

Meditation has nothing to with hugging trees or any sort of hippie things, or the attainment of enlightenment. On the contrary, it has a huge amount of scientifically validated health benefits.

PC-muscle “kegel” exercises
Not necessarily related to the mental side of the problem, but this can not be ignored when the subject is raising sexual desires and solving erection problems. Many already know this, but there are those who’ve not even heard about this. The ones who are wrestling with erectile problems can really benefit from a PC muscle workout, or in other words by doing kegel exercises.

Drink alcohol
Hmmm? Doesn’t alcohol make it difficult to have an erection, and lower testosterone levels? Actually its the opposite – when it comes to small doses.

When you take a small dose of alcohol, it will actually raise your testosterone levels in the brain and blood according to a study.31Sarkola T, Eriksson CJ. Testosterone increases in men after a low dose of alcohol. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2003 Apr;27(4):682-5. doi: 10.1097/01.ALC.0000060526.43976.68. PMID: 12711931.

It actually makes sense; why men rarely (daytime) approach women and are not very sexually aggressive? EXCEPT when a man goes to a nightclub and has a drink or two – immediately man begins to want women and approaches them aggressively.

A couple of drinks works great. Actually, it works quite excellently – would highly recommend. Not many things improve sex better than shot glass (4 cl) of vodka before having sex, the erection is significantly stronger and you’re also more present in the now (see above meditation section).

But… When you drink more than that one (or max two) doses of alcohol, it will lead to that famous downward spiral. After that, an erection is difficult to obtain/maintain, and testosterone falls inexorably. And also there is a lot of attention to be brought to what alcohol you drink…

Which alcohol to drink? Vodka, whiskey or gin. (Learn a lot of additional information about the quality of alcohol and how to prevent a hangover here. )

Mix them preferably with water, do not use orange juice, let alone any fructose juice (you may remember what sugar did to your testosterone & amp; libido).

However, a small amount of honey with booze can act as an aphrodisiac, because honey contains a lot of vitamins and minerals, it is as well rich in boron.

Boron might boost testosterone according to some studies. In a human study boron gave 28% more free testosterone and lowered estrogen 39% after one-week supplementation.32Naghii MR, Mofid M, Asgari AR, Hedayati M, Daneshpour MS. Comparative effects of daily and weekly boron supplementation on plasma steroid hormones and proinflammatory cytokines. J Trace Elem Med Biol. 2011 Jan;25(1):54-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jtemb.2010.10.001. Epub 2010 Dec 3. PMID: 21129941. Boron might also work in lowering SHBG levels.

I continue to emphasize that only a small amount of alcohol helps positively with erection and with testosterone. If you drink too much, it only has harmful effects. But as you know, a small amount of alcohol can have medicine like properties.

Alcohol (or anything) shouldn’t be a “crutch”, without which you can not do something. In long-term nothing should be used as a so-called crutch.

In the future, I’m going to list the best natural testosterone boosters and other tips (see long lasting erection guide) which helped me to overcome erection dysfunction.

6 Comments on “How To Get More Testosterone Naturally & Increase Sex Drive”

  1. Pls,pls pls keep telling folk about Porn and destruction of sex life. Thank you! Even before i first officially read about the topic, my own heavy porn habit made me realise over time that it was responsible for a decline in my sex abilities. I can attest to this. Even when i abstained for just a little while my sex abilities perked up. I guess excitement over watching sex kills the excitement for real human feel sex. You stop getting erections just from the feel of a woman.Your brain gets re-wired to a warped stimulation…viewing sex not performing in sex. Thanks for the true advice.

  2. Honestly I enjoy watching porn. And I enjoy having sex with women too. I am 49 and I wake up with a hard on everyday. By porn addiction if you mean you are jerking off 2 to 3 hours a day and not sleeping well that can be bad with any habit if it cuts into your daily life that much but let’s say you watch it half an hour a day average there’s no way that I feel it could hurt you if anything it would keep you from cheating on your spouse and you can even watch it with your spouse. I honestly feel watching p*** or raises my testosterone because in this same article you mentioned looking at sexy woman raises your testosterone

  3. Good article, thank you for sharing the best tips. Pomegranate also one of the good fruit to get hard erection naturally for long time in bed

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