Nutrition And Supplements For Bigger Butt & Breasts?

Training hard in the gym and doing squats but the results are not showing up? Flat ass is still there, no matter how hard you try. Maybe you’re underweight without any curves, or feel that all the fat is just going to wrong places? This article examines supplements that are touted to help with curves… Can they really work? or is it just total bullshit?

Why curves are so wanted?

Several women still believe that they need to be thin so that men would be interested in them. However, almost all the studies on the subject tell a different kind of truth: men prefer curves.

“This sends a strong message to all the girls out there who believe you have to be underweight to be attractive.” – Men ‘prefer curvy women to those those who are size zero’, study claims.

“The result is clear: 81% of the men interviewed preferred curvy women to skinny women. Fuller-figured women are thought to have the right mix of fun and sexiness: they’re seen as more feminine (65%) and more seductive (52%) than thin women.” – Men Prefer Curves

Unfortunately, there are still several women believing that men find skinny models in a fashion magazine attractive. This is a false belief. In the real world, men won’t actually desire straight and flat asses. Men favor Kim Kardashian and Jennifer Lopez-like butts. (BMI of 21.5 and around 0.65 WHR with body fat percentage between 20 to 30.)

“Evidence from all over the world suggests that men strongly prefer women who have a lot of body fat (roughly 30 percent of their body weight) and whose body fat is distributed in a particular way, with very little in the waist but much more in the hips, buttocks and thighs, producing a small waist-hip ratio.” – How Men’s Minds Reveal the Wisdom of Women’s Bodies

Here is good example:

Well-stacked women also live longer and grow wiser children – Curvy Women Live Longer, Give Birth to Smarter Children

In real life, a curvy woman wins every men’s attention. This behavior is hard-wired into a men’s behavior, and it’s not going to change in the near future. Curves in the right places tell that woman is fertile and can give birth to healthy children. Men’s subconscious mind will notice this. This is not an opinion, it’s a science – simple biology, which is related to optimal hormone levels and health.

Dreaming of larger curves?

Today most of the women are wishing for larger breasts and a rounder butt. Small tits and flat buttocks chip away women’s self-esteem.

Unfortunately, the most popular method at the moment is the plastic surgery and silicone implants which are not (obviously) going correct the real problem.

Where fat is going in the body is mainly affected by genetics and hormone levels.

Estrogen is a female hormone that is responsible whether you get a curvy body or formless body. In women whose estrogen levels are low, fat packs to wrong places. Women with elevated androgen levels (male hormones) are completely flat or formless, like boys. Hormonal imbalance can also cause obesity or underweight, as well as excess estrogen, can cause obesity.

To optimize your hormone levels, you need to get these basics right. These tips are suitable for the overweight and also for the underweight people. But you have to also remember that these are not magic pills which make your breasts and buttocks larger instantly.

But if the following conditions are not right, you will find out that it is very hard to grow your curves or lose extra fat. Even you exercise & lift smartly in the gym.

Anyway, health is sexy and the following things will help especially with health. And remember this is just for information purposes, this is not medical advice for correcting hormone levels or to diagnose, treat or cure any diseases. Please consult your doctor before using any supplements if you are pregnant, using medication or suffering from a medical condition.

Basics of hormone levels:

  • Vitamin D – If this is not right, then do not expect your hormones or anything to work optimally. It’s been proven in numerous studies that vitamin D deficiency is wrecking women’s health, causing infertility,1Barrett H, McElduff A. Vitamin D and pregnancy: An old problem revisited. Best Pract Res Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2010 Aug;24(4):527-39. doi: 10.1016/j.beem.2010.05.010. PMID: 20832734. sexual dysfunction2Canat M, Canat L, Öztürk FY, Eroğlu H, Atalay HA, Altuntaş Y. Vitamin D3 deficiency is associated with female sexual dysfunction in premenopausal women. Int Urol Nephrol. 2016 Nov;48(11):1789-1795. doi: 10.1007/s11255-016-1396-7. Epub 2016 Aug 13. PMID: 27522658. and other problems. Lack of Vitamin D is still a major public health problem worldwide.3Palacios C, Gonzalez L. Is vitamin D deficiency a major global public health problem? J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2014 Oct;144 Pt A:138-45. doi: 10.1016/j.jsbmb.2013.11.003. Epub 2013 Nov 12. PMID: 24239505; PMCID: PMC4018438. Even though vitamin D supplements are almost free (4 cents per day from iHerb).
  • B6, B9, B12 vitamins – All of the women who have searched for fertility tips know these vitamins. B vitamins (especially B6, B9, B12) are very important for optimal hormone levels. If you have a deficiency on B-vitamins, you also likely have a lack of curves. If you’re interested in better curves or fertility, I suggest you consume high-quality meat, eggs, or consider B-complex supplementation.
  • Magnesium – A very important mineral for hormones and overall health, which you are likely to have a deficiency in. Magnesium regulates over 300 biochemical reactions in a human body and its almost as important as the vitamin D. Magnesium deficiency is a serious problem, which may cause symptoms such as problems with sleeping, heart rhythm disturbances, headache, muscle cramps, nausea, migraines, and much more what you don’t want.
  • K2-vitamin and zinc – Both are vital to a women’s fertility, sexual desire, immune system, skin, nails, bones and for muscles and overall health. If you do not eat grass-fed meat and dairy products, you probably have a vitamin K2 deficiency. I am using this liquid K2/D-vitamin product by Thorne Research (iHerb).
  • Healthy fat – Humans and especially women’s hormones require healthy fats to function properly. If you do not eat enough healthy fats, your hormones aren’t working optimally. Even some of the most important vitamins need fat for absorption (Vitamin A, D, E, K, are not absorbed without fat). Unfortunately, shapeless women are often following some stupid low-fat diet or eating bad fat that is destroying health and hormone levels.
    Avoid unhealthy fats: vegetable oils such as rapeseed oil, corn oil, soybean oil, trans fats (donuts, croissants, etc), margarine.

    Add the following healthy fats: Avocado, olive oil, coconut oil, grass-fed butter, fish oils, krill oils (omega-3), MCT-oil.

  • Diet – If you are on some stupid soybean diet, or tuck away trans fat donuts, processed foods, and other junk… Yes, it’s quite hopeless to dream about perfect hormone levels. The solution is really simple: eat real food – not some weird cookies or fast food.
  • Sleeping is important for hormones, and most hormones are formed during sleep. Sleep in a completely dark room (get blackout curtains The sleep hormone melatonin helps to balance other hormones, and thus will also help with a set of curves. DO everything to get your sleeping right.
curvy butt with maca
Curvy butt and breasts with maca root?

Could the maca root make women’s butt and breasts bigger?

Is it true or just bullshit? The Internet is full of experiences about how Maca intake increases breasts size and shape bubble butts. There is a significant amount of claims that it works, and some women will see amazing results. On the other hand, there are also those who say that maca did not have any effect on butt and breasts size.

Even though the theory is that maca might affect estrogen levels in women, that might not be the real reason why their butt and breasts are growing after using maca.

Effects of maca have been tested on postmenopausal women. In this study4Brooks NA, Wilcox G, Walker KZ, Ashton JF, Cox MB, Stojanovska L. Beneficial effects of Lepidium meyenii (Maca) on psychological symptoms and measures of sexual dysfunction in postmenopausal women are not related to estrogen or androgen content. Menopause. 2008 Nov-Dec;15(6):1157-62. doi: 10.1097/gme.0b013e3181732953. PMID: 18784609. maca reduced psychological symptoms, anxiety, and depression, but did not affect estrogen levels in any way. The study was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, so we can be quite confident that 3.5 grams maca per day does not affect the estrogen levels in women, at least not after menopause. However, the study was quite small and they used maca 6 weeks in a row, but I don’t think that it affected the results.

Anyway, several women say, that after they started consuming maca, they noticed how fat suddenly begins going into their breasts and butt.

Because of this, many of them have to shop for new jeans and bras. The reason for this is still unknown…

Here is one woman who used maca for one month and noticed some growth in her breasts and butt.

What has happened is an increase in breast size. I went from a A cup to completely filling out a size B cup! it was so dramatic my ex-boyfriend was shocked one day when I was wearing a bikini top, my massage therapist indirectly asked if i had breast implant surgery and my mom thought i was pregnant (which I am clearly not – I have not been sexually active during this time at all).” – Quoted from Curezone Forum5*Link might be outdated

While there are no studies which confirm that maca root could actually affect hormone levels, there is a lot of experiences that it helps to grow bigger booty and breasts.

I can’t say that maca and its ability to grow bigger curves would be complete bullshit because there are just so many experiences with it. Testing it out is the only way to see if it works for you. (The only thing that truly matters is the evidence in your own body.)

Anyway, you should try out maca root even if your goal is not “Miss Butt Brazil“. Because with studied maca root benefits, you don’t need to rely on just hippies beliefs or sale talks.

In animal and human trials, maca root has shown benefits such as increased sex drive in males and females, fertility-promoting effects, increase the amount of sperm in men, improve general well-being, possibly even reduce depression.

Read more about these studies from the Maca Experience article

How to consume maca root?

“Everything you put into your mouth must be raw” is just a strange raw hippie belief. While it makes sense for certain plants, eating raw root vegetables (such as maca root) is stupidity and bad for your health. You should roast maca before using it, or at least make it to a hot drink.

Traditionally maca has always been made ​​either by boiling or roasting, and it has never eaten raw. Raw maca contains unsuitable enzymes and anti-nutrients that can cause very bad stomach cramps, fever and reduce the absorption of other nutrients.

This is why many people who consume raw maca gets an upset stomach and who knows what else). The human body can not make use of raw maca, it is not absorbed properly, and in other words, its bioavailability is low.

Roasting, heating (gelatinization) reduces harmful enzymes and makes maca safe to eat. Heating reduces only proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates, and in fact, it improves the maca roots secondary metabolites, from which maca’s health benefits will come.

When you heat maca, it improves the bioavailability of the secondary metabolites in maca, and the human body is able to utilize them better. This will give you the benefits of maca, without the harmful enzymes or anti-nutrients.

If someone does not understand… As a plant grows in difficult circumstances (like maca in the Peruvian Andes). The plant generates components which it does not actually need in normal circumstances, these components are referred to as “secondary metabolites”.

The best-known secondary metabolite which all of you are probably familiar – is cocaine (which can be infused from a coca leaf). Many of these secondary metabolites are isolated from plants for use in pharmaceuticals, narcotics, and other uses.

Heated maca is more potent and your body is able to utilize it better.

Even if you don’t get any problems with the raw maca, it should still be heated up, so you do not strain your body vainly, and you will get the benefits of maca better.

It is broadly assumed, that boiling Maca hypocotyls and gelatinisation of its starchy component, may improve absorption and the bioavailability of poorly digestible raw starch and possibly other bio-active dietary ingredients, which are present in Maca hypocotyls.” – Peruvian Maca (Lepidium peruvianum): (I) Phytochemical and Genetic Differences in Three Maca Phenotypes6Meissner HO, Mscisz A, Mrozikiewicz M, Baraniak M, Mielcarek S, Kedzia B, Piatkowska E, Jólkowska J, Pisulewski P. Peruvian Maca (Lepidium peruvianum): (I) Phytochemical and Genetic Differences in Three Maca Phenotypes. Int J Biomed Sci. 2015 Sep;11(3):131-45. PMID: 26508907; PMCID: PMC4614013.

If you have already purchased raw Maca, don’t worry, as you can easily roast maca yourself. Pour the bag on a baking sheet and in the oven to ~ 100 to 150 degrees and let it be ~ 10 minutes (until it turns darker, but not too black).

Where to get maca?

Today you can get maca from almost everywhere including But for most people, is the most convenient way. There is a wide variety of maca products available and ships to over 150 different countries, including U.S. China, India, Russia, Singapore, Brazil, and Europe.

Personally, I am using gelatinized maca powder: Navitas Naturals gelatinized organic maca powder and Sunfood red maca powder in heated drinks like coffee. If you don’t like powders: Maca capsules are also a good choice.

If you have not yet ordered from, you’ll get 10% off from your first order with code: KLJ962.
Everyone else gets 5% off. You get the discount code automatically from my links and while you’ll benefit from this, I also benefit by getting “iHerb credits” that I can use towards my next orders. Thank you for this!

When you have done the above things right…

Do not forget the most important part of sexy curves, which is working out. Above things might help but working out helps for sure.

NEWSFLASH: Women who have the best bubble butts are training their butts, there is no question mark. Kim K and JLo spends a lot of time in the gym every week, and it shows in their body.

Diet and certain things told in this post helpful and take you in the right direction, but the finishing touch is the workout.

You need to hit the gym if you want a rounder butt. Keep that in mind for the next summer. Junk food, candies, alcohol cause mostly belly fat instead of sexy curves.

Not too skinny, not too fat, but healthy. It’s the sexiest thing.

24 Comments on “Nutrition And Supplements For Bigger Butt & Breasts?”

  1. Thanks for great articles, really good information here!

    I started using gelatinized maca powder 1 month ago. It really works! My butt is considerably bigger and i feel more more alive and athletic & my sex drive is superb again.

    1. Sorry, I have no idea which companies ship to Nigeria. Growing maca requires high andean tundra and low temperatures (-10 to +20 celcius). I think some companies will ship to Nigeria also, try searching with google.

  2. I tried maca purchased through Vitacost to test the hype as I did not expect significant changes. After one and a half months of maca and exercising at the gym, new exercise shorts were needed. They were two sizes larger. The looks i now receive are gratifying, and my bubble butt is more pronounced.

  3. hello ..thanx alot for this great artical
    i from saudi arbia i bought maca pawder form iherb its name of product (navitas organic is it good ?
    and its okay if i put it with hot milk or have to poil


  4. I use nature’s field Maca capsules 500mg 60 capsules dis is d third week I havent seen any changes in my butt and breast .pls what happening

  5. Greetings everyone

    For butt& boob enhancement which Maca brand should i buy

    Which one works fast the Pills / capsules or powder

    And how should i take it like how many times per day

    can i find Maca in South Africa Dischem?

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